Sunday, December 9, 2012

              Witches, for most of the time, are those that are associated with magic, the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces. In the case of witches, their tales of using magic are told for a long time and passed from generations to generations. Sometime, they are in fairy tales; other time, they are in myths.

1                   For a long time, I am interested in studies of witches and magic. It is not that I want to become a witch; instead I want to understand them more so that I can explain their behavior. As a witch always lives hiding their own personality, but once in a while, they expose their wicked side in order to satisfy the thirst of beauty or love. More than that, as being a woman, doing research about witches is exciting as I came to know more about various deep feelings and sides in each woman.

1                 Unlike fairy, witches mostly use magic for negative purposes, either to gain beauty, love or eternal life.  They are usually described as old, wicked and jealous. Their cruelty is illustrated d as how they drink blood or eat flesh of the enemy. They live hiding the fact that they are witches, and occasionally, they reveal themselves wicked in most of the cases to revenge or steal other’s properties. In fairy tales, they are those that chase after princesses in order to kill them over jealousy. In documentary stories, they are those that seem to act strange and cruel in front of the society. Witches, in any case, are considered as a bad figure of number of women. However, from this, I learn a lot about some specific characteristics of witches that are related to women. That is the jealousy over beauty, a common thirst in women. Somehow a witch seems to be an exaggerated image of certain woman’s personality and action.
2                   Although I myself believe in it, but it is hard to prove. There is information all over the place about the most recent witches, but who can be sure if it is true. Perhaps, it is better left as folklore and tales instead of proving it as a fact.

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